速報APP / 教育 / Electric Field Simulation

Electric Field Simulation





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異




Electric Field Simulation(圖1)-速報App

E-Field Sim is easy-to-use sandbox app that helps you visualize electric field from system of charges which you can place anywhere

Electric Field Simulation(圖2)-速報App

This app is perfect for those who wishing to gain better intuition about electric fields or those who want create beautiful electric field patterns that charged particles can produce.

Electric Field Simulation(圖3)-速報App

Add positive and negative charges to the screen, look at creation of electic field lines in real time. Visualize the field of an electric dipole or another charge systems. Create complex and interesting charge configurations. Try to make the best electric field!

Electric Field Simulation(圖4)-速報App


Electric Field Simulation(圖5)-速報App

At the moment the application is under development. Some functions are missing, errors may occur. About the found problems and shortcomings you can report in comments. Thanks for understanding.

Electric Field Simulation(圖6)-速報App

Electric Field Simulation(圖7)-速報App